题目:"Recent studies on variational-hemivariational inequalities with applications"
时间地点:9月25日下午四点 新民楼C408
摘要: In the talk, first we discuss a class of elliptic quasi-variational inequalities, which involve a constraint set and a set-valued map. We establish the existence of a solution and the compactness of the solution set. The approach is based on results for an elliptic variational inequality and a fixed point argument. Next, we prove an existence and compactness result for a quasi-variational-hemivariational inequality. Finally, we present an application to the stationary incompressible Navier-Stokes equation with mixed boundary conditions which model a generalized Newtonian fluid of Bingham type.
个人简介: Stanislaw Migorski教授是波兰克拉科夫雅盖隆大学数学与计算机科学学院的数学科学教授。是微分方程、函数分析和控制理论等方面世界领先专家。主持完成欧盟H2020卓越科学项目等25个科学研究项目。与国际社会有着良好的合作关系。据《科学网》报道,出版了六本书和200多篇论文。根据斯坦福大学、爱思唯尔和SciTech Strategies在2020年和2021年编制的全球排名,是世界上所有学科中最具影响力的研究人员中排名前2%的人之一。